Yeah, it has been a while since updating the blog. Got busy doing things like escorting Huell Howser on a tour of historic Anaheim, you know, the everyday hobnobbing with the famous. Grin. Absolutely the time of my life, and yes, he really is as nice in person as on tv. I will post as soon as we have an air date. He was originally supposed to do a half segment on Anaheim, but when he got here he saw there so was much rich heritage that he called his producer and insisted we do a full hour's show! We are so blessed to live in a place this wonderful.
In the meantime, people like the Colony's Lisa Zaradich have been doing WAY more important work. After taking the Bar Exam in an earthquake (talk about pressure) she will get her Bar Exam results on the road. Starting November 21, she will be on a three day Walk for the Cure for Breast Cancer. The goal is to walk 60 miles in 3 days, while raising money for the cause. You can donate directly at http://08.the3day.org/goto/lisazaradich
And start stashing some cash for the Anaheim Neighborhood Association's Giant Rummage Sale on Saturday August 16, from 7 am to 1 pm. The sale will be at the elegant estate of Lew Aguillar and Michelle Lieberman at 319 N. Harbor Blvd (across the street from Pearson Park-yeah, the big place with the bell towers) They are seeking donations of salable items, or buyers for those items. If you have something to donate, contact them for drop off arrangments at 714-491-8353. For more info on ANA, see the website at anaheimneighborhoodassociation. com
Where did you take Huell?
--Gustavo Arellano
We went to West Street for Mother Colony House, Woelke-Stoffel House, giant tree. Saw the last orange grove in the area, Pearson Park, the "don't call it northpark" neighborhood, Farmer's Market, Muzeo, Jane Newell's History Room, Linbrook Bowl for lunch, and Anaheim High School. We will do something when it airs.
What about the Sunkist Packing House?! Other than that, cool beans!
Honestly, I skipped the Packing House, because the City has been farting around so badly on what they are going to do with it that I was embarressed to show it to the world. What am I supposed to say, yes we have this delightful old citrus packing plant but we are letting it rot for lack of a viable plan? I did show them the new power house in that same area, but they did not break out the camera, no people there to interview. We will host a Huell Howser viewing party when it airs. Stay tuned.
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