I had posted a piece to Red County, once again poking at the high speed rail project that is scheduled to eat our neighborhoods, and our economic stability.
Diane Harkey has created AB2121, a bill that points out that the emperor is naked, and we are overpaying the tailor. AB2121 would kill further funding for this boondoggle. and I am begging you to help me support it please. It only takes a moment to contact the members of the Assembly Transportation Committee, who will hear the bill on April 19th. Their contact info is below. Also, if you would please pass the info along to those of like mind, I would love to bombard the Assembly with messages that we have had enough of the State spending our money on broken promises. Thanks for the help!
Committee Members
Committee Members District Phone E-mail
Bonnie Lowenthal - Chair Dem-54 (916) 319-2054 Assemblymember.Lowenthal@assembly.ca.gov
Kevin Jeffries - Vice Chair Rep-66 (916) 319-2066 Assemblymember.Jeffries@assembly.ca.gov
Bill Berryhill Rep-26 (916) 319-2026 Assemblymember.Bill.Berryhill@assembly.ca.gov
Bob Blumenfield Dem-40 (916) 319-2040 Assemblymember.Blumenfield@assembly.ca.gov
Joan Buchanan Dem-15 (916) 319-2015 Assemblymember.Buchanan@assembly.ca.gov
Mike Eng Dem-49 (916) 319-2049 Assemblymember.Eng@assembly.ca.gov
Warren T. Furutani Dem-55 (916) 319-2055 Assemblymember.Furutani@assembly.ca.gov
Cathleen Galgiani Dem-17 (916) 319-2017 Assemblymember.Galgiani@assembly.ca.gov
Mary Hayashi Dem-18 (916) 319-2018 Assemblymember.Hayashi@assembly.ca.gov
Jeff Miller Rep-71 (916) 319-2071 Assemblymember.Miller@assembly.ca.gov
Roger Niello Rep-5 (916) 319-2005 Assemblymember.niello@assembly.ca.gov
Chris Norby Rep-72 (916) 319-2072 Assemblymember.Norby@assembly.ca.gov
Anthony J. Portantino Dem-44 (916) 319-2044 Assemblymember.Portantino@assembly.ca.gov
Jose Solorio Dem-69 (916) 319-2069 Assemblymember.Solorio@assembly.ca.gov
Anaheim’s “Missing” Jewish Cemetery
1 week ago
You are better off supporting Metro CEO Art Leahy and OCTA CEO Will Kempton in calling on the CHSRA to implement a shared-track alternative from LA-Anaheim.
The board voted 6-1 to reconsider the shared track alternative, so it's back on the table.
I know. I am on the peninsula right now. I spoke in support of the OCTA MTA proposal,and when they said yes I also asked Katz to allow a CSS program in Anaheim. http://www.redcounty.com/hsr-victory-anaheim-los-angeles/38586?taxonomy=29
So spokker, you are a transportation nerd, tell me, how is it that Kopp stays on this Board when he is clearly not ready to be out without his nurse? I keep looking into the guy and he looks like a nut job. He is the reason you cannot take the train to the SF airport anymore, so it is not like he brings positive experience to the table. If this thing was being run by Pringle and Katz, I would be much more comfortable, even supportive.But as long as tools like Kopp are on the Board It scares the Hell out of me. Any insight?
I know more about the plans involved than the people involved with them. As with anyone, I agree with Kopp on some things and would disagree with him on other things.
Know that my support for a shared track alternative isn't for the same reasons you support it. I'm simply as selfish as you are ;)
One thing I can tell you about transit nerds is that many of them, especially old timers, love to gossip about people. I'm not as into that though (though you learn things even passively), and it sorts of bores me most of the time.
They also enjoy holding grudges and the like. On the other hand, I would agree with my worst enemy if they made a good point.
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